I seem to have caught some kind of dishcloth fever. This one is the Three Crosses Cloth originally created by Rhonda K. White ©copyright 3/20/05 and converted by Linda Perata ©copyright 7/06. I loomed this cloth on Lynn Markman's FG 3/8" adustable double rake using 100% cotton yarn and the new knit stitch. If you would like the converted pattern for this dishcloth, just leave a comment and I will email it to you.This cloth is called the Ripple Dishcloth found at Loomin Cat's Haven. I love the ripple pattern in this particular cloth. I loomed this also on Lynn Markman's FG adjustable double rake. The pattern looks lovely in a variegated yarn. I used Peaches & Creme 100% cotton yarn in "gumdrop."
What's unique about an adjustable double rake is that you can loom two dishcloths or projects at once. If you get bored with one, you can always start on the other.
I love this rake. The wood is gorgeous and I like using the open-top pegs.
Looming Through the Psalms
"But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing to the LORD, for he has been good to me." Psalm 13:5,6
Last chance Christmas
2 weeks ago
hi , i would like the the cross dish cloth pattern in converted for the knitting loom. MY e-mail is shellschmidt@yahoo.com THank you .
Hi Linda,
The Cross dishcloth is pretty enough to frame and not used for it's purpose. The stitches are so neatly done and if you click to enlarge, the detail is very easy to see.
The Ripple is very kitcheny, I can see several of these in this color, folded and brightening up any counter..your dishcloths are very, very nicely done.
Linda, the cross dishcloth is pretty. I would like to have the pattern. I love looking throught your blog. It makes me want to do more, but I can't seem to find the time. Can the dishclothes be done on the round? How about the new oblong ones or id the dishcloth rake best? Thank you in advance.
Hi again,
Forgot to ask for the 3 Crosses pattern...geesh!!
I am at doowop55@bellsouth.net
Yes, I would love to have the loom pattern for the 3 crosses dish cloth. It is beautiful.
Thank you,
I love ALL the dishcloths, Linda!
Are you selling them, and if so, for how much? :o)
Hi, can this cross dishcloth be knitted on knitting needles . if so my email-address is valc25248@yahoo.com
May I have the 3 Crosses Dishcloth pattern? I am considering buying a Knifty Knitter Loom. I can crochet and knit. Email to: kathybryant@peoplepc.com
Love your dish cloths. Can I have any or all patterns for the loom? Where should I buy the loom and what is the best size? thanks and God bless, Teresa k.
I love your dishcloths and the Three Crosses is awesome. I would love for you to email me the pattern for both if you would. You do fantastic work.
Linda I forgot to give you my email address for the awesome dishcloths patterns. The Three Crosses and the ripley one. Just awesome.
I googled dishcloth patterns and your blog came up. I love the dishcloths, especially the cross and the ripple. I am new to this and have only used the KK looms. I looked at the ones you are using and I like them. I used a round KK loom and only used so many pegs instead of going all the way around and it didnt turn out as tight as yours, any comments? I would love to have any patterns that you have. This looming is very addictive. Please email me when you get this.
HI Linda!
I LOVE the Three Crosses dish cloth, I'd like to have the pattern please. (ajoyfulmomof5@yahoo.com)
I can see that your blog will be one of my favorites to visit for inspiration! Thanks for sharing your talent with us.
Joyful Mom said...
HI Linda!
I LOVE the Three Crosses dish cloth, I'd like to have the pattern please. (ajoyfulmomof5@yahoo.com)
I can see that your blog will be one of my favorites to visit for inspiration! Thanks for sharing your talent with us.
PLEASE I would like the 3 crosses pattern converted for the loom. I have hunted all over as I want to make for a friend but time is running out and all I find is the knitted one and I need loomed.
email to me PLEASE rileymom@copper.net
I LOVE that Three Crosses cloth! I just joined (recently) the LoomClass group, but didn't see this one there, so would love the pattern if you don't mind emailing it to me. These will be great for our church kitchen, for giving our visitors, etc. Thanks!
Morning--Just discovered your blog today and would very much Love to have your pattern for the converted Cross dishcloth. Enjoyed everything in your site and have bookmarked it as a favorate.
Thank you
Knutty Knitter-California
Could you email me the pattern for the 3 cross dish cloth? thank you so much! shellbellc77@yahoo.com
Could you please send me the cross dish cloth pattern and any other dishcloth patterns you have to share. pholdermomof3@gmail.com
Hello, I love your dishclothes. could you please send me any patterns that you have for round knitting looms. I have just started with these, I have never knitted before. I found a pattern for a flower dishcloth and i love it. I think I am hooked. So any new ones I can get,I will definitely take. I am going to give them as Christmas presents this year. My family loves homemade stuff so this is great. I am trying to get my Mom to get the looms too. I think she would love them. Thank you. My email is elliebler@zoominternet.net.
I have just started making the dishcloths and am looking for patterns. I really like the 3 cross one. Could you please send me a converted pattern for the loom? Thanks
I would really like the pattern for the 3 cross dish cloth if you don't mind. Thank you.
Hi, what beautiful work you do.
I would like the the three cross dishcloth pattern converted for the knitting loom. My email: emory_lady@yahoo.com
Thank you!!
Your 3 crosses dishcloth is beautiful. I know this is an old post but I would LOVE to have a copy of your pattern.
Thank you so much, God bless.
Love the dishcloth with the three crosses. Could you please email it to me? I have the knifty knitter round and oval looms and am thinking about buying a small guage loom, but do not know what is the the most useful. Please send pattern and any suggestions on looms to: pennysonnichsen@yahoo.com
Hi, I love BOTH dish cloths! I'm new to the looms and would love to get your converted 3 crosses pattern please and also if you have any other cloth ones please and tia! kattsdesigns@gmail.com
Hi, I'm new to looms and love your dishcloths! Can you please send me your 3 crosses converted for looms dishcloth pattern? Thank you!
Are you still able to send the 3 crosses dishcloth pattern for looming? If so can you send me a copy to kerig001@yahoo.com?
Thank you !!
Hello, I know this is a older post but would love to get this pattern for my Mom. Please send to kyt115935@msn.com God Bless.
I too would love to receive the ripple and three crosses dishcloth patterns to teach my students how to knit on looms.
Thanks, Kathleen
Thank you
I love the cross dish cloth pattern! Could you send me the pattern please? My email is fullerfive5@yahoo.com. Thanks so much!
I love the cross dc! I just finished your paw print dc (my first real loom knit project using the martha stewart adj loom set). After finishing the paw, I'm really hooked on loom knit! Thank You for helping me to 'put it all together' with tht pattern bc I was truly at a loss with LK.
I would love to have the converted crosses dc pattern, PLEASE:) I see gifts from your patterns!!
Thanx again!
Re Cross Dishcloth pattern conversion for loom:::
Forgot to leave my email addy:@
I would love to have the converted pattern. I am just learning how to use the loom.I need the 3 Crosses pattern-please. ktsnama@gmail.com
just saw your page and i'm new to looming but want to loom some dihs cloths
can you please e-mail me some loom patterns thank you stephaine.my e-mail stephani.jones5@comcast.net
I would love to have your cross pattern my email is angelbabe1980@verizon.net
Thank you all for your kind words! I emailed dishcloth patterns to everyone who requested them. Enjoy! I am so grateful to all the loomers who took the time to film the instructional videos. They have helped me so much and now I'm just passing it on. Thank you!
Would love the three cross for the loom.
E-mail; niteowl@sw.rr.com
thanks Sarah
Hi I'm new to looming...I would love to have your dish cloths
Patterns...thank you so much....
Hi Linda, I just stumbled across your page and I love the cross dish cloth! I would love to have the loom knit pattern. My e-mail is kramfam5 @ live . com. Thanks!
Hi Linda, I just stumbled across your page and I love the cross dish cloth! I would love to have the loom knit pattern. My e-mail is kramfam5 @ live . com. Thanks!
Hi, my grandmother would absolutely love to get some dish cloths with the crosses! Would you please send me the pattern for the knitting loom? kristencherise@gmail.com
Can you email the pattern to me debbiebe50@gmail.com
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