In all the looming reading and experimenting I'm doing these days, I came across something called an I-cord. Well, I was interested in learning how to master the skill of I-cording, so I tried my hand at it. Now, here's the blast from the past part of all this. If you're my age, you'll remember using a wooden thread spool (Do they even make those anymore?) that had nails hammered on the top. When I was a little girl, we would make these I-cords from these wooden spools. It all came back to me when I started experimenting with this loomy new-found skill. We would make the most colorful cords, wind them around, sew them together, and make hotpads and potholders. I think I remember making a little rug for my dollhouse with mine.
So, these I-cords can be made on the loom. It looks kinda funny at first, but then when it gets long enough you give it a little tug, and walla, it's perfect. I guess you can use them for straps, ties, and other embellishments. You can learn how at this site:
The I-cord looks great :)
Thank you so much, Isela. Coming from you, that's a huge compliment.
The I-cord is nice. When I wasgorwing up in Germany I had a wooden loom with 5 or 6 pegs. All it ever made was a tube for straps or sewingthem together in a circle you can make hot pads for your dinner plates. It protects your table.
I never had the wooden spool, but I made these using my fingers. We called it finger knitting, it was the first form of knitting I taught my girls...
That's so cool! I have one of those spools! It was in a box of my great grandma's craft things. The box was passed down to me by my Grandma. I didn't know what it was. Thanks so much! Now, to find that box...
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