Knifty Knitter
By: Goldie
I wrapped the yarn very loosely around the pegs. I actually started with the red ring (one ring up from the smallest), and it was too big. If your doggy is 4-6 lbs., the small jig with a normal weight yarn, normally wrapped, should work great.
When I got the length I wanted from the bottom of the sweater to the front legs, I estimated where on the ring his legs would best fit. I decided to leave the center 4 stitches solid and the next 4 to each side as his leg holes.
So, stitched the first 2 (the right half of the center 4) normally, cast-off the next 4 stitches, re-wrapped those 4 posts (for the next time around starting stitches) and continued around till I got to the other 4 leg-hole stitches and did the same for them.
Continued around a couple more times with the very loose stitches then tightened up the stitches for the neck and did the tighter stitches for enough times around to be the right length.
Detailed Instructions for Leg Holes:
(Each number represents a loop on a peg, '0' is a peg with no loop on it)
You have your 4 pegs you want to cast off...
(-1- -2- -3- -4-)
Move the peg 2 loop to peg 1
(-1,2- -0- -3- -4-)
Knit the original peg 1 loop over the peg 2 loop that's now on peg 1
(-2- -0- -3- -4-)
Move the peg 1 loop back to peg 2 (where it started)
(-0- -2- -3- -4-)
You now have one (peg 1) stitch cast off.
(-0- -2- -3- -4-)
Repeat 3 more times
(-0- -2,3- -0- -4-)
(-0- -3- -0- -4-)
(-0- -0- -3- -4-)
(-0- -0- -3,4- -0-)
(-0- -0- -4- -0-)
(-0- -0- -0- -4-)
(-0- -0- -0- -4,5-)
(-0- -0- -0- -5-)
(-0- -0- -0- -0-)
When you are doing the row with the holes in it, instead of wrapping all the posts with the yarn, only do up to where you will be making the leg holes. Cast off those stitches (as explained above). Wrap those now empty pegs and continue as normal. So by the time you've gone all the way around, you will still have 1 loop around each peg. The loop at the new leg holes will be a fresh loop like when you did your very 1st row.
Starting off - casting on:
Beginning Loops:
Go around all loops two times:
Move over upper loop and peg:
Long enough to start leg holes:
Working in leg holes –
You have your 4 pegs you want to cast off...
Move the peg 2 loop to peg 1
Knit the original peg 1 loop over the peg 2 loop that's now on peg 1
Move the peg 1 loop back to peg 2 (where it started)
You now have one (peg 1) stitch cast off.
Repeat 3 more times:
Tico (Goldie’s Chi) modeling:
I have also added another method as well for making this sweater.
Method #2 for small dog sweater:
For this method you would start with the neck and then knit the rest of the body to the desired measurements for your dog.
E-wrap the blue 24-peg KK loom and knit over.
You can make a brim by knitting 3" or 4" and then reaching inside the loom and place each loop from the bottom row over the corresponding peg. Pull the yarn loops on the bottom of the pegs over the ribbing row and over the top of the pegs. Continue wrapping the yarn and pulling over the pegs until you reach the desired measurements for your dog's neck. It turns out as a cute mock turtleneck. Instead of making a brim for the neck, you could use a ribbing stitch.
I used a 1x1 ribbing stitch K1, P1, K1, P1 for 10 rows.
After knitting the neck using either the ribbing stitch or making a brim, you then proceed to use a 1 over 1 stitch until you reach the length you would like to add the leg holes according to your dog's measurements. Use the leg hole instructions for method 1. Continue to knit over for the body until you reach your desired body measurements for your dog. Our male Chihuahua required 6 more inches of knitting before completing the sweater. Use the super-stretchy bind off to remove the completed sweater from the loom. Explanation for the super-stretchy bind off can be found here.
Scroll down and you will see the instructions for the SS bind off.

Cute Dog...ruff!
I just can't decide which is cuter, the sweet dog or the amazing Knifty Knitter sweater!
This is adorable. I can't wait to try the pattern for my pooch! Thanks!
It looks perfect. What type of yarn did you use??
I would like to hand knit this cute sweater using circular needles. I need help figuring out the leg holes though. I love the idea of knitting this in the round, but I use circular needles and not the looms. I have Yorky.
Thanks for this pattern! I was able to modify it to make a Webkinz (stuffed animal) sweater - I used a 12 peg loom (or in some cases the last 12 pegs of a rectangular loom used as if it were a round loom). I knitted about 11 rows, cast of the legs - 2 stitches cast off for each leg; 3 stitches in between for the belly, leaving 5 stitches for the back; and then knit about 9 more rows (to make a cuffed neck), and then finished with a stretchy cast off I found at http://yarngear.com/looms/tips.htm . It's really cute!
i am just learning to use the looms and have three dogs one chi and one pompoo and one rotti so i know that little chi needs to keep warmer so i am always looking for cheaper ways to keep her warm i did a granny square jacket but this looks warmer so i am gonna give it a try thanks for sharing your pattern with us and will let you know how it turns out
Miranda in Menominee MI
what happened to anonymous----did someone explain how to use circular needles to knit the Youkie size sweater?????
the link doesn't work.
i tried and tried again.
i Tried to get the pattern but it came up with link not found.. i would like to make this for my moms dog so is it possible for the link to be fixed please or sent to me my email is airesdragon03@yahoo.com Thanks
I love this sweater. So cute but the directions on that gal's site are not there anymore. Is there anyway to get the pattern. I am new at loom knitting even though I have been needle knitting for over 50 years. Started when I was six when the lady that was babysitting me and her daughter that was my age was knitting a sweater and I asked how. She talked me through the process. No pattern. Every instruction came out of her head.
Well, if you could direct me to this pattern I sure would appreciate it. I love to make dog sweaters and want to try your prayer shawl too as I do knit prayer shawls too. Thank much. Great blog.
Im new to looming and was wondering if you have a video of making. the loom chihuahua sweater.
I just got a new puppy and with te cold weather comeing in he's needs a sweater but cant find anything that small. thanks
I do not have a instructional video for this sweater, only these photos and instructions listed here.
Love this pattern! I've made one and love it! Thanks for the pattern!
Thanks so much for posting this! We just got a 3 yr old Chihuahua and she hates going outside to go potty in the mornings because it's so cold! I'm hoping the sweater I make for her today will help.
I am knew to loom knitting and I really wanted to learn how to make sweaters for my little teacup poodle (she is always cold!). Your directions really helped! So, thank you! I was just a little confused about binding off and how to do it...I managed but it is kind of tight. I looked at the directions for the 'Super-Stretchy Bind Off' but I am still confused...any videos anyone could suggest that show how to do the Super-Stretchy Bind Off?
thanks so much for this pattern my chihuahua "bugsy " will love it! even in the house hes cold. and your dog is adorable! thanks again!
I cannot understand how to make the leg holes! I have tried and tried. Do you have photos of how you cast off these four holes for each leg like your other great photos? I am a sight learner... Thanks!
one of THE easiest tutorials to follw.
Does anyone know what to do on a 31 peg loom if you want to make a ribbed end to a dog sweater? The numbers don't come out even.
Please help I have tried to figure this out and I'm new to loom knitting.
Thank You
Nice sweater, I love it. And your Chi is cute too :) I can give you those two links with Chihuahua Clothes patterns, in case you are interested.
Timur taş hoca
Just got a Knifty Knitter for Christmas. My first project was a sweater for my Chihuahua~"Roxy". Not done yet but so far so good. Thanks for your pattern!
I am new to knitting and loom knitting and your instructions were so easy to follow. Thank you for posting them and for being so detailed in your instructions. My Yorkie is gonna love this!
The result is very cute, but that involves hard work, especially if you don't know how to do that. Do you sell those sweaters? I've bought my dog sweaters from this site: http://www.lolaandrocky.com ,but if you are selling, I'll be happy to be your client:)
im so confused! need help or a walk threw verbally on how to skip and cast off for dog arm holes. then circle around and continue to make a long sweater. if someone could email me and possibly take time to help me understand I would be grateful..Kittykat2nv@gmail.com
cant figure out how to do leg holes but love the pattern im a beginner is their any way you could post more pics of how to do the leg holes thanks
I have a Chi tzu. She is on the chubby side. I don't think the Blue one would fit her. But the red one would be to big. Any suggestions? Also how do you do the leg hole. Many have asked but no responses. Thank you and by the way my little girl's name is Princess.
Anyway you can do a video on "Dog Sweater Armhole"?
Hi I wanted to know if you could perhaps make a video of how you make the sweater for your dog using the loom, i know how to make beanie hats and the scarves using the loom but i dont how to make a sweater..it would really help me a lot..thank you :)
I have been looking for a pattern on the loom for my tiny "Morkie"
Maltese/Yorkshire Terrier and my 9 pound Chihuahua.
Yay! Thank you, thank you,thank you
ps for making in between sizes of looms, just skip a post or two ie; a stitch or two on the larger loom.
Hello! My dog is mid sized. About 27 pounds but I think I can follow this pattern to make a larger sweater and your instructions are very clear. Thank you so much! I'll use the green knitter loom which is just the right size for her torso. Have a wonderful Fall
Super stretchy bindoff is here: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hGMtqK-UrDw&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DhGMtqK-UrDw
If you are using circular needles, you have two options...either bind off as you normally would for just the four stitches per leg on the appropriate row and then cast on again for four stitches above the cast off stitches on the next row.....or....do the afterthought thumb trick for mittens, ala Elizabeth Zimmerman, by knitting with waste yarn for four stitches back and forth and then continue as normal. If you do the later, then carefully put the loops on the waste yarn back on needles when the sweater is complete, and knit little leg sleeves and bind off
This is too cute! I have a 3 pound, 3 legged chihuahua. So gonna do this! may not need the second leg hole ha. Thanks for this!
I really like this pattern... It's super easy too ( considering I'm 12) thanks!! I've made 3 my chihuahua loves it and it fits perfect :)
Hola amig@: He estado viendo tu blog y me ha parecido "magnífico", con buenos e interesantes datos.
Quisiera compartir contigo y tus lectores más información relevante sobre la raza de Perro Chihuahua
Espero que te guste mi blog de "Perros y Gatos" y déjame un comentario si lo deseas.
Saludos desde España
I liked this pattern so much that I made similar sweater for my Cooper, just modified the colors a bit!
I need help with the leg holes please I'm new to looming and I'm so confused is the a video th at shows me how to do the leg holes if so please send it to me I'm DESPERATE!!
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