This is my very first blog creation, ever. I love the concept, and hope that others will join in eventually.
I'm a spiritual person, by that, I mean I'm not a judgmental religious person, but someone who has a relationship with God through His Son, the Lord Jesus. Anyone can accept His invitation of fellowship through His Son, but I do not advocate forcing my beliefs on others. God never did that with me, and I'd like to treat others with that same respect.
I first got into the idea of blogging when I picked up a funny little loom gadget called the Knifty Knitter around two weeks ago. Through much research and interaction with other loomers on the net, I noticed that some of these loomer people had the nicest blogs with photos, loom knitting patterns, and other posted interests. I thought, well, why not try my hand at blogging . I thought it would be nice to have a record or journal if you will of my evolving skills with loom knitting. I'm also interested in learning how to crochet.
So, here's the beginning of a new adventure.
Blessings. . .
Linda P.
Last chance Christmas
2 months ago
Hi LInda,
I like your blog!!! Boy you have had alot of 1st time experienes lately--the KK's, fish bowl cover, dog sweater, crochetand blogging!!!! Keep up the good work!!!!
I really like your blog with the links and pictures. After looking at your pictures of your knitting, I have to say you are quite talented. Love the fish bowl cover, I think it could work for other decorative things as well.
Janice B
Good luck with the crocheting. We have been making crocheted shawls for our shut-ins from our church. We call them prayer shawls because we pray for the person receiving the shawl as we crochet them. Now I am trying to learn to knit on the round loom. Liked your blog and links.
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