Monday, March 20, 2006

Completed Mock Crochet Hat.

Well, here it is; the completed mock crochet hat. I'm pleased with the way it turned out for my first try, and hope to make more in many different colors. I just love this stitch. I used the green loom and started with the tail end cast on, knitting a couple of rows of K1, P1 for the ribbed brim. Somehow it didn't turn out quite right. I stitched the mock crochet for around 6 inches, and then did 5 rows of the 1 over 1 stockinette stitch. Directions for the mock crochet stitch can be found here.

HINT: Don't do what I did trying to end the last three stitches after every round. I literally stayed up all night until 5:00 a.m. trying to figure out why I was getting large holes down one of the rows.

"But you are a shield around me, O LORD; you bestow glory on me and lift up my head. To the LORD I cry aloud, and he answers me from his holy hill." Psalm 3:3,4


  1. Alright Linda I want onboard!

    I have no idea how to do this so tell me what to buy ; ) I told Lenny you need to start a knitting fellowship group. We can all sit and talk about the Lord and knit at the same time!

  2. Hi Jami!
    I think I'd like to do this. We could get our Knifty Knitters and loom through the Psalms together. You can get the set at Wal-Mart. It comes with four looms in a carrying bag. They also have the Knifty Knitter Instruction booklet II for a $1.00. There is a #1 booklet, but I found that at a Super Wal-Mart.

  3. Beautiful crotcheted "mock" hat Linda! Quite funky. I have some yarn places for yu from my group :) You know how pretty that would be in lama wool!!! Or alpaca! I had a supplier in CO., I have to find for you as well. Still working on my website but I got waylayed with kids and Mike's accident. All is well ;)

  4. Hey Linda,
    I have a new post, but I don't think it's popping up on my main page, but it is definately under archives. Let me know if it showed up on my main page for you. I just love this browser, it is so much better. Thank you again for helping me with it.

  5. Hi Linda!

    Glad that your blog is back up again. I'm in blog-world now as well... "Pomegranates in Bloom"! it's fun visiting with friends from all over, although I'm spending more time than I should!

    Bailey is behaving quite nicely now. No more growling or barking, although he has his odd little moments!

    Take care for now :o)
