Monday, September 25, 2006

looming update

Well, I can't believe it's been over a month since my last post. Life just gets busy, and unfortunately I don't have much time for looming these days and keeping up with this blog. I wish I didn't have to go to work so I could spend as much time as I can to loom, I love it that much. One of my friends liked the pawprint and 3 crosses dishcloths and asked if I was selling them. I'm not selling them, but I enjoyed making these two dishcloths for her on my new DA extra small gauge WonderLoom. I usually use the crochet cast off for the dishcloths, but this time I wanted to try the basic removal method I found on Isela's How To Video Link. I really like the neat edge you get with this method.
Pawprint Dishcloth

3 Crosses Dishcloth

I'm still working on this prayer shawl on my 5/8" regular gauge adjustable Markman Farm Loom. I'm using 60 pegs. Hopefully, I'll finish it before the holidays. It takes 3 skeins of yarn and I just started my 2nd skein. I'm using Homespun Prairie.


  1. Oooh - those are my dishclothes! :o) I love them, Linda. They look even better once they are used too. The Three Crosses you gave me at the weekend has been washed now - I'm going to iron it and take a photograph: I'll use that on my website around Eastertime '07 if the crosses show up well. I haven't brought myself to actually using the cloth for wiping dishes yet...!

    Thank you for taking the time to make them, especially since you're busy and I know it does take a while.

  2. Linda, I just had to let you know - and since the paw print cloth is in honor of him, I'll put it here - that Bailey has become a singing Chihuahua recently! He's incredibly cute - he only sings to violin music at the moment, he hasn't graduated to worship yet :o)

    Do Bean or Ace sing?

  3. Hi Linda,
    I don't have your email adress so I thought I could reach you this way through your blog. I notice that you have both the wonder loom and the adjustable loom. I am interested in possibly purchasing one of these myself and would like some user feedback about them. What do you like and not like about both of them? I have quite a collection of looms and it seems like one of these would be the perfect solution to having tons of looms since you can use one loom to do so many things. Have you found that either one of these looms replace several others? Thanks in advance for your feedback. Melanie (you can email me directly if you'd like at
