Tuesday, August 01, 2006

empty nest

Alex in her new L.A. cottage/apartment
My hubby and I are now officially empty nesters. On July 22, we packed up a U-haul trailer full of our daughter's belongings and headed off for Los Angeles. We set everything up for her in record-breaking heat. I thought we were all going to melt! We just arrived back home a few days ago, and I'm having my moments of sadness. It's hitting me now that I'm here and not hearing her voice or seeing her everyday. Alex will be attending the L.A. Film School in Hollywood. It's an intensive year-long program.

Here I am, the mom with Alex and her boyfriend, Chad.

Mother and Daughter


  1. SNIFF! I emailed Alex and she said she was having a great time so far. Hopefully all continues to go that way. It took awhile, but my parents love being empty nesters!

  2. Oh Linda I am so excited to see what God has in store for Alex in this next stage of her life.

    As a Mom I can't imagine how you feel. I am praying for an easy transition for all of you. (((Hugs)))
