Tuesday, July 11, 2006

long-tail cast on

Let's try doing the long-tail cast on together.

1. Wrap your yarn two times around your loom. This will give you the "tail."
2. Make a slip knot at the top of the tail.
3. Place the slip knot on your starting peg.
4. Now take the yarn (working) coming from the skein.

5. E-wrap the peg to the right with the working yarn. Lay the long "tail" above the wrap and pull the wrap over the long tail (knit off).

6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until you reach the last peg. You are now ready to begin knitting your first row using your working yarn.


  1. What great photos. THANKS for posting them. PS)You have a great blog!

  2. That is definitely the best explanation I've ever seen for this!!!! Thanks, hugs, kisses and chocolate!

  3. I LOVE IT! What a great cast on even for scarves - no more weaving in and out to hide the "tail". Fabulous!

  4. When would you use this technique??muzhx

  5. You can use the long-tail cast on whenever you need a non-loopy edge and when you would like to "tuck-in" that tail. I use it for just about every project I do. I also use the crochet cast on. You can find a video of the crochet cast on at this link:
    Crochet Chain Cast On

  6. Thanks for posting this, Linda. I'm printing it out to show the ladies in my knitting group. I love this one and had never used it until you explained it. Great job girl!
