Saturday, June 17, 2006

on the loom and in the yard

I thought I'd try and learn how to loom a triangle shawl. I found a pattern with instructions that I really liked at this blog. This pattern teaches you how to increase and decrease, so it's a great learning tool. I'm doing this one on the yellow KK loom using Red Heart Plush in Wine. The yarn is giving this shawl an antique look, almost like it came out of granny's attic. I'm just about ready to start the decrease to shape the other side of the triangle. Hopefully it will turn out.
So what loomer doesn't have at least three projects going on at once?

This yarn has my name on it. I just had to get it! I think I'll use it to make another triangle shawl if this first one turns out. I'd like to use a larger loom though. I should call this shawl the "Linda" shawl.

And for our never-ending yard project, a couple of friends came over and helped us install the retaining wall today. It was a little on the cool side, so it was a great day for working outside.
Thank God for friends who will lend a helping hand when you need it.

Bean enjoying the day.

The retaining wall is complete. We need to add the plants and topsoil. It's almost like I have a giant garden box now. I'd like to add a rock garden to this slope as well.


  1. Linda it looks great - I cant wait to see it! Sorry I haven't called back (I'm terrible) Shawn just left for Denver this morning and I was gone 1/2 of the weekend.

    Anyway I'll try calling you tomorrow to see if we can get together this week!

  2. I like your dog. I had a chihuahua when I was a teenager growing up. I named her Carmen. SHe was a dumb ang ugly dog but she was mine.

  3. Wow Linda the retaining wall looks great, and your triangle shawl is so lacy looking, beautiful :)
    I haven't started the socks with the new knit stitch yet... is there a name for it besides "the new knit stitch"? LOL

  4. Thanks, Kansas. Let's see, I counted and I think we now have 4 knit stitches for the loom! I sent you an email. If there's another to add, I'm sure Isela will come up with it. LOL! The new knit stitch is my fav out of all of them now. I just couldn't get the hang of keeping the tension loose on the "U" knit stitch. Happy Looming!
