Saturday, June 03, 2006

my grandmother

Today I opened an email with an incredible surprise. My cousin's wife sent me this photo of my maternal grandmother, Josephine Scaramella. It was a very emotional experience to look upon my grandmother's face for the first time. It's like looking into a mirror image. I definitely see my sisters, Sandra and Lori, in her. I never met my grandmother because she died giving birth to a son over 70 years ago. What saddens my heart is that her premature death left 6 daughters and 2 sons without a mother. And I never got to know the love of a grandmother.


  1. That must have been a wonderful surprise.

  2. WOW! I can see you and Alex in her as well. What a pleasant surprise and a really special picture.

  3. I can't even imagine what that must have been like to open that email and see her face! My grandma (Dad's Mom) died when I was about 6, and I barely remember her, but everybody tells me I look just like her and walk like her, etc. Its kind of weird, but wonderful at the same time. Just know that maybe you never got to meet her in this life, but you will in your eternal life. What a moment that will be!

  4. I have very little of my grandmother, she passed away before I turned two, only weeks before my sister was born. It was tough growing up without her, of course I had my mother's mom, and she was more like a mom to me than a grandma. But it sure would have been wonderful to have known my only other grandmother. I feel your pain. God bless you.
