Sunday, April 23, 2006

a hat for joseph

Joseph has been very patient waiting for his new hat. Weeks ago I made some scrunchies for his sisters, and the hat I made for him on the red loom was too small. He's been waiting ever since for a new one. I presented this hat to him today, and he was so excited to receive it finally.
It was knitted on the green KK loom using the University of Michigan colors, blue and gold. The gold brim was done in the garter stitch.

"Turn, O LORD, and deliver me; save me because of your unfailing love." Psalm 6:4


  1. It looks great!

    As a fellow Michigan native - Go Wolverines!

  2. How nice. I wish I had the time that I used to have to knit and other needlework but just wanted to say how nice it's been finding all these needlework blogs.
