Sunday, April 09, 2006

doll for a cause

I named her Nama
Today I bought one of these dolls at church to help support my friend, Savannah, who is trying to raise money for a missions trip. She is 13 years old, and here is her letter:

Dear Friends and family,

I have recently made the exciting decision to go on a mission trip with an organization called Global Expeditions, a part of Teen Mania Ministries. For more than 17 years, they have taken thousands of teenagers to countries all over the world. This year, I want to go to panama. Global Expeditions is a ministry totally dedicated to reaching my generation and equipping us to touch the world through missions. I cannot think of a better way to spend my time than sharing the Gospel with others and seeing my life changed as well. Panama is located in Central America where my team will be based out of the city of Panama City. I will be leaving on July 11th and returning home on August 5th. I will be busy ministering through drama, street evangelism, sports, VBS and tribal ministry. The total cost of this trip is $2355, which includes all expenses: airfare, accommodations, food, and training.

In Order to make money for my exciting adventure next summer I am making dolls. These dolls are dressed in the Panama colors, red, white, and blue.The suggested donation for a doll is $25 plus shipping. Any amount you wish to contribute helps. This is a suggested donation; if your heart leads you to give more I greatly appreciate your generosity, if you are not able to cover the suggested amount please simply send what you can.

If you are interested in buying one of these precious dolls, you can e-mail me at:

Feel free to check out global expeditions at there website If you can't support me by buying a doll please support me and my whole team with your prayers* Please note, young children should not play with these dolls because they have small parts*


  1. I love what you've done with her hair - very cute. My little doll is sitting next to my keyboard, Liam has been admiring her all day and has picked her lips off (sorry Savannah) but I am getting fabric glue tomorrow to fix her. Then I'll put her where Liam can't get ahold of her!

  2. Linda, thanks for all you are doing for my family! My mom called me in tears on Monday (her chemo day) to tell me about your beautiful gift. She said the hats were the most wonderful and comfortable she had. How great was it that she got them on her chemo day? She has such a hard time after she gets the meds and I was so thankful to the Father that He had arranged for her to be uplifted by a package in the mail!!

  3. Oh, Jenell, I am so glad that God used 'lil 'ol me to be a blessing for your mom on her chemo day and that the hats work for her. I spoke with her yesterday. She called me, and was so pleased with them. I think she liked the fun fur one the best. I told her I could make her a blonde, redhead, or whatever she wanted because I can make the "hair" hats quickly. I have to find a yarn that will be cooler, though, for summer. There is also a wonderful healing book on the way.
