Sunday, March 12, 2006

Six Scrunchies and a Hat.

I promised our worship leader's girls some scrunchies. I made six so they could each have their choice of three. For their son, I made this hat. This is my first KK hat. I was going after a denim look. I used the red loom, so I'm not sure it's going to fit him. I can always make another one. I purled 4 rows first for a trim, and then switched to the stockinette stitch 3 over 3. The yarn was very thin 4-ply. I used a combination of Caron Simply Soft in Grey Heather and DK Country Blue. The 3rd strand was Mainstays (Wal-Mart's brand) in Blue Ridge. This brand was a very thin 4-ply.

For the scrunchies I used the blue loom and e-wrapped 10 rows with a 1 over 1 stitch.
For the thinner scrunchies I e-wrapped 6 rows. Ten rows really makes a very thick scrunchie.
To remove the scrunchie from the loom, make a brim and place the bottom row of stitches over a thick hair elastic and then place the loops onto the pegs. Do not place the hair elastic onto the pegs. Then knit over. I used a crochet hook and lifted the first peg loop onto the crochet hook and pulled the second peg loop through. I then did two chain stitches. Continue with this pattern all the way around doing two chain stitches between removing the loops. When you get to the last loop, cut the working yarn and pull this through the loop. Weave ends in.
I used a combination of different 4-ply Red Heart yarns mixed with Lion Fun Fur. The Turquoise scrunchie was made with Parfait Lion Boucle' mixed with Lion Turquoise Fun Fur. One of the scrunchies was Red Heart Fiesta and NoBo Butterfly I got for $1.00. The green scrunchies are for St. Patrick's Day made from NoBo "Josephine"-10.

"Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers." Psalm 1:1-3


  1. I love those scrunchies, very cute. I want to try to make some, thanks for the directions. I always wondered about the rubber band part.

  2. Love the scrunchies, I just made some this week too!

  3. everyone is making scrunchies. and here I am thinking about cutting my hair.. hmmmm mabye I should just make some scrunchies too.

  4. I think I need to make some scrunchies as well, my mother would love them! I haven't pulled my knitters out in so long! Your scrunchies are great, and I Love the green color!

  5. You rock! I would've never ever thought about making scrunchies!! Thanks so much for the idea...I have no daughters myself, but ALL my friends have them. So I will make sure I make tons of them.

  6. hey i have one question, how do you finish it?

  7. Hi there. I started loom knitting only one week ago. I'm totally addicted. So far I have made four scarfs, three kids hats, and two premie hats. I have never knitted the regular way and do not know all the terms yet (still learning). I would love to make the scruntchies and I understand everything up to when you take them off. I get the brim and I think I understand laying a hair rubber band along the center and close the stitches up, but I don't know what a "chain stitch" is. Could you help me out? Thanks!

  8. Jenn,
    A chain stitch is a crochet stitch. You need a crochet hook. I'll post a video tutorial under my knitting and crochet instruction links. You can view the chain stitch here:

  9. Hi Linda...I really amazed with your work..Do you mind if I put your blog in my loom knitters page for our reference?...our link is

  10. Do you have a video on this? I'm confused on how take the scrunchie off the loom without the hair elastic being on the loom. I would love to make some scrunchies for my girls though. Thanks.
